Anyone know of any good upcoming literary events? Email please, if you do!
I saw some fellow book gangsters this weekend and we discussed the necessity of selecting a place with good volume levels to hold meetings. A couple of bars we've met at had background noise levels which were less than (or should I say GREATER than?) optimal. Second Chance Saloon, while a fine place to elbow punkers in the guts and get beer spilled on you, is not a great place for a book meeting, volumewise. Mother's had a lot of perks, fine beers and $5 burgers for those of us who eat meat, yet I felt like I was my aging Viet Nam vet father screaming across the table, "Eh sonny? What was that? You think Saunders might be stuck in his Phallic Stage, speaking Freudiantly, and has some weird attachment to his mother and therefore writes about all these relationships where an imperfect, damaged guy is trapped with a faulty female, yet refuses to change his situation? What?"
That said, I am heartily looking forward to some peace and beatitude in the Park Slope area in a few weekends here, where we can brunch together in a controlled-volume atmosphere. I can't wait to try out some fancy schmancy recipes, my new waffle iron, and maybe even whip up homemade whipped creme. Has anyone gotten the book yet? Further, what does the M.F.K. stand for in M.F.K. Fisher? Can I take a guess? Master of Friccassee Kabobs Fisher.
Did we ever come up with what the acronym FIRPO stands for? When I google'd it, I got the Wikipedia.com page for boxer Luis Angel Firpo. I think we can come up with a better acronym than that!
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