So it was Flannery O'Connor's Wise Blood we discussed last Sunday at Prospect Park for our 3rd Book Gang meeting. A mixed review from the five Book Gangbangers: Jason, Leslie, Beth, Sharon, Jenna, and Yelana. We opted to sit back and hear what made Jason "laugh out loud on the train" before launching into a hearty heart-to-heart on this short novel.

Flannery had us questioning her faith (and ours) and Hazel Motes' bizarre path to un/redemption. But all in all at the end of the day the story left us as if we had put on a gorilla suit ourselves and disappeared into the park. Yelana, our newest member, was the winner of best book cover and was exempt of being jumped into the gang for bringing the best treats to share!

Drinks continued in Prospect Heights before dubbing our meeting another success! For the record, Sharon has promised her infamous Jealous Marys at the next meeting which will be held Sunday September 21st. After much discussion, the choice of our newest read, was left to the results of a popular vote: Alan Weisman's The World Without Us. Location and time to be determined by this month's gang leader, Leslie.

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